Resource Library

A resource library of articles, books, videos and sites to help parents and educators in their quest to raise children who think for themselves.

Michael Mount offers this resource not as prescription, but to engage caregivers in a deeper conversation about the education of our children and young people. It is our hope that you will gain a thorough understanding of the spirit and philosophy that underscores a Waldorf education. We invite your collaboration: if you know of or stumble upon a Steiner / Waldorf-related article or other resource that should be listed here, please let us know.

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By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 13/06/2024
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A movie and transcript exploring the beauty and richness of a Waldorf education.

Living Language Literacy Development in Waldorf Early Childhood Education

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 13/06/2024
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Living Language Literacy Development in Waldorf Early Childhood Education, looks at how Waldorf early childhood education programs lay the foundation for language development and literacy through a rich curriculum of oral language and movement.

Festivals – Celebrating the coming together of earthly and cosmic forces

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 01/03/2024
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Festivals are a celebration of the seasons of the year and connect us to the world around us. They fall in an annual rhythm that can be strengthening to the physical body of the young child.

Why a class play in Waldorf Schools?

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 08/02/2018
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For almost every grade in most Waldorf schools, there is a class play. This is an exciting event and means a great deal to everyone: the teachers, the students, the parents, the extended families of students.

The Journey of Advent

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 10/12/2017
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In the Southern Hemisphere, the festival of Advent and Christmastide takes place in the heart of Summer, when nature has fully unfolded, and everything is in abundance. The school is teeming with flowers, greenery and fruits, and the days grow steadily longer.

Sports at a Waldorf School

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 01/03/2017
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Sport is an essential part of the Waldorf curriculum. Yet the approach to sport is fundamentally different from the way it is taught at conventional schools.

Montessori and Steiner: A pattern of reverse symmetries

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 06/09/2016
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Both paths are brilliant, full of compassion, and honouring of the child. Each path has the same obligation.

New life, new hope – The message of Easter

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 13/04/2016
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What makes Easter an exceptionally unique festival in our modern world, is that it is never a fixed date in our calendar year. Easter Sunday is always the first Sunday after the full moon following the Autumn equinox.

The Seven Lively Arts

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 26/02/2016
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The Seven Lively Arts evolved from the concept of the Seven Liberal Arts of ancient times; these were the key subjects one would master to become a scholar.

The Light of St John’s

By Michael Mount Waldorf School | 11/06/2015
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The festival of St. John takes place in the heart of winter in the Southern Hemisphere, while the earth appears to be in a deep slumber.